Show Notecards

Every Thursday, Laura and Severina will send notecards to the Debauche for the Saturday and Sunday shows. And Severina will send them out individually, because some of you pretend that Second Life didn’t alert you of show notices.

Save these notecards and read them:

They will contain:

  • Any problems with the last weeks’ shows.
  • Any changes to the group.
  • Information about the venue.
  • Notecards with outfits for the show’s routines.
  • What arrival outfit to wear.
  • The show’s routines.
  • Planned lineups for each routine.
  • Other blah blah blah stuff.

If an outfit is new or has changed, it will be marked as NEW or CHANGED or MK2 or MK3 or whatever. If you keep the old version of an outfit, be sure to mark the folder name so you don’t wear it by mistake.

(If you say you didn’t know an outfit had been updated, but you still have a list of all the routines, yeah, whisper me another sweet lie.)

If you do not have outfits ready by rehearsal, let the stage managers know so they can update the schedule.

Stage manager changes to lineups

The lineups in the notecards are not final. The stage managers will sometimes change them for various reasons. Follow what the stage managers post in the group chat.

Show changes

If Laura or Sev are unavailable for a show due to unforseen reasons, they may change the schedule and call out different routines.

Watch for this in the chat, and follow what the stage manager posts. There may be different mover numbers for the routine.

Cheat Sheet

R. really doesn’t care what the rest of y’all are standing on or in (be sure to wipe your feet). She just needs to know where she is going and which she is filming. So, she summarizes the weekend:

If the stage manager announces a change, she’ll update her personal list.