RANT: If you have to be told to fix your hoverheight, what the hell are you looking at other than yourself on stage? Lots of people are taking time out their day to see this show and be in this show. Make it part of your habits with every routine, every show.


In most acts, the Spot On movers are sensitive to the Page Up and Page Down keys. Page Up will raise you up and Page Down will lower you.

The mover will remember the setting, so if you Page Down into the floor, stand, and someone else gets on the mover, they will be stuck in the floor, too. They will need to use Page Up to raise themselves up out of the floor again. It’s a lot easier than the choreographer re-loading the set.

Quick Preferences

If Page Up and Page Down are not working, you can set your hoverheight in the Quick Preferences window.

Slide the slider to adjust up and down. But that can be risky if you slide it all the way and end up in the floor or sky.

You can also enter a number directly.


You can also create a gesture to adjust your hoverheight.
There are two chat commands built into Firestorm that adjust hoverheight:

  • /zoffset_up: Raise your avatar by 0.05m.
  • /zoffset_down: Lower your avatar by 0.05m.

Typing that out a few times can be a pain in the butt.

So, you should set gestures for those commands.

Ask for the gestures

R. can give you the gesture shortcuts for this. Ask her.

Make the gestures

Oh, so you’re too good to ask R. for them? Here’s how to set the Page Up key to raise you up:

  1. Enter Control-G to open the Gestures window.
  2. Click the plus icon in the bottom of the window.
  3. In the Description test box, enter Up.
  4. Empty the Trigger text box.
  5. Empty the Replace with text box.
  6. In the second Shortcut Key drop-down picklist, select PgUp.
  7. Click the Start Animation: Wave text and click Remove.
  8. Click the Sound: hey_male.wav text and click Remove.
  9. Click Chat and then Add.
  10. In the Chat to say text box, enter /zoffset_up.
  11. Select the Active checkbox.
  12. Click Save.

To set the Page Down key to lower you:

  1. Enter Control-G to open the Gestures window.
  2. Click the plus icon in the bottom of the window.
  3. In the Description test box, enter Down.
  4. Empty the Trigger text box.
  5. Empty the Replace with text box.
  6. In the second Shortcut Key drop-down picklist, select PgDn.
  7. Click the Start Animation: Wave text and click Remove.
  8. Click the Sound: hey_male.wav text and click Remove.
  9. Click Chat and then Add.
  10. In the Chat to say text box, enter /zoffset_down.
  11. Select the Active checkbox.
  12. Click Save.


You can use the Hover slider in the Quick Settings Panel to adjust your hoverheight.

You can also use the /hover chat command followed up a number between -2.0 and 2.0

For example: /hover 0.1