Font Sizes

If you get a 4K graphics card and monitor, it may be hard to read the text chat and interface. And notecard text may appear washed out and stretched.

Here are some suggestions for adjusting the interface to make it wasier to read, but keeping the 4K quality for snapshots and animations:

  1. Open Preferences with Control-P.
  2. Click the Chat tab.
  3. Select Huge
  4. Click the User Interface tab.
  5. Click the 2D Overlay top tab.
  6. Adjust the UI Scaling slider to a bigger number.
  7. Click the Font top tab.
  8. In the Font Scheme drop-down picklist, try Mobi. It scales better.
  9. Reboot.

If you want to control the font size of chats and the console easily, you should add them to Quick Preferences:

  • Add ChatFontSize as a slider with Min 1 Max 3 Increment 1 Integer.
  • Add ChatConsoleFontSize as a slider with Min 1 Max 3 Increment 1 Integer.

Use 3 for both.