Venue Guide

Thank you for hosting our show. Without you, there wouldn’t be any shows.

This document contains all of our suggestions on how to put together a venue and optimize a region for the best possible performance.


  • Reduce the amount of rezzed prims.
  • Reduce the amount of visible textures.
  • Reduce the amount of running scripts. 12k
  • Eliminate any sound-generating objects from area.
  • Set the avatar limit somewhere between 60 and 80. Anything less, and it will fill too soon. Too high, and we will all be lagged out.
  • Do not hold any other events at the same time.


  • Place the venue high in the air away from any other construction.
  • When you move your camera so the stage is full screen, no balconies or other obstructions are in the way.
  • Provide a mix of singles and couples seating.
  • At least 3 meters between audience and the stage.
  • Minimum of textures and complexity of textures for venue (prefabs are good about that)
  • Enough room on the sides of the stage for posters, tip board for group and venue, and geordie’s podium.
  • Elevate the stage by at least 1 meter.
  • No audience lighting to avoid clashing with the show’s lighting.
  • Landing spot at the back of the audience.
  • Try not to put anything with hovertext in front of the stage.
  • Remember to put our a tip jar for yourself.


  • Minimize allowed rez rights to avoid audience interference.
  • We’ll need access to the venue for.
    • Set rezzing and testing.
    • Setting music stream.
    • Theatre decoration.
    • Setting a landing point.
    • Pointing a subdomain to the SLURL.
    • Landmark for announcements.
    • Add to calendar.


  • Announce the event to your community and invite them.
  • Make sure they all know there’s going to be a big crowd on the sim.
  • Send notices before the event to your residents group, Facebook, blog, other social media.


If there is an event after our show, we may run long, so they’ll need to understand their start time may slide a bit.


Someone should be available to handle any estate manager issues (griefers, rezzing things, last minute access rights, adjusting the agent limit, etc)